dreemkacher is a mobile application designed to help creative talent and/or businesses showcase their skills, gain work and engage fans. With the use of a visual and interactive resume, anyone can express what their capabilities are.
-Create your profile and virtual business card to publicly showcase your business, talent and share with anyone with a smartphone!
-Use our app to find businesses, talent and those with unconventional services.
dreemkacher Explore!
Explore users around you by checking out profiles of talented people sharing their work. Filter by industry, price ranging (for booking) and location and make sure to find what you need, when you need it.
Got some cool work? Put it on your profile and leave the dreemkacher community with something to know you by. dreemkacher allows users to showcase their work to other users and potential talent buyers in order to make the most out of their branding and experienceShowcase:
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